⚂ 1.2.4 Classification of IBM.

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⚃ Introduction:

⚃ Myositis-specific auto-antibodies (MSAs):

⚃ Introduction:

⚄ Muscle diseases have traditionally been put under the umbrella of myopathy: a disease of the muscle that causes weakness of the muscle ( not a disease involving the nerves ).
≻ As discoveries are made, the classification evolves, but there is no currently accepted international classification system for muscle diseases.
≻ As a group, these diseases are sometimes referred to as muscular dystrophy diseases.
≻ Inclusion body myositis is usually listed under the umbrella of muscular dystrophy diseases.
≻ A second Umbrella is the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM): a group of conditions characterised by inflammation of muscles (myositis) and other body systems.
≻≻ This is where IBM has traditionally been classified along with polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM), but the features of IBM are clearly distinct from these other two types.





⚄ Myositis versus myopathy.



⚃ Notes on Figure

⚄ IBM is an abbreviation for 'inclusion body myositis' not 'inclusion body myopathy' (Greenberg, 2019, Milone, 2017).
≻ The abbreviation IBM should refer clearly and only to the single disease inclusion body myositis, not to the hereditary inclusion body myopathies (“hIBMs”).
≻ On this page, IBM will only refer to inclusion body myositis and I will not specify sporadic.

⚄ The hereditary, myopathy diseases are clearly distinct from inclusion body myositis: these are different diseases.

⚄  Lilleker et al. (2024) recommend in the future researchers and doctors only use “IBM” to specify inclusion body myositis, and drop the terms “sporadic” and “familial.”
≻ Further, “hIBM” should be dropped and the names of each specific disease should be used e.g. Myofibrillary myopathy; GNE myopathy; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase; MSP-1; MSP-2; etc..

⚃  Myositis-specific auto-antibodies (MSAs):

The classification of muscle diseases has been evolving over time as more and more research discoveries are made.
≻ Different diseases are being recognized and categories adjusted.
≻ Muscle diseases have been classified mainly based on their clinical presentation.
≻ Today, the recognition of antibodies associated with different muscle diseases has impacted classification.
≻ “A major advancement in the field of myositis was the discovery of auto-antibodies that are specific for myositis, called myositis-specific auto-antibodies (MSAs); (present in up to 60% of patients with IIM), which are helpful in establishing a diagnosis of IIM (Lundberg et al., 2021).
≻ Other patients may have auto-antibodies that are also present in other autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis, or Sjögren syndrome; these auto-antibodies are named myositis-associated auto-antibodies (MAAs).



Figure from Ashton, C., Paramalingam, S., Stevenson, B., Brusch, A., & Needham, M. (2021). Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: A review. Internal Medicine Journal, 51 (6), 845-852. Source.



Figure is based on: Mariampillai, K., Granger, B., Amelin, D., Guiguet, M., Hachulla, E., Maurier, F., … Benveniste, O. (2018). Development of a new classification system for idiopathic inflammatory myopathies based on clinical manifestations and myositis-specific autoantibodies. JAMA Neurology, 75 (12), 1528. JAMA Neurol. 2018;75(12):1528-1537. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.2598

Notes on Figure

^ trigger: statin use

* trigger: malignancy

** CN1A [Anti-NT5c1A] – [anti-cN1A]: Found in approximately 50 to 60% of IBM patients. Also found in about 25 percent of patients with juvenile myositis and in about 12 percent of healthy children (Yeker et al., 2018).
≻ According to Greenberg (2019), "Anti-cN1A antibodies are highly specific to IBM and are seen in 90-95% of patients with IBM compared with 5-10% of patients with polymyositis, dermatomyositis or non-immune neuromuscular diseases."
≻ However, these antibodies have only moderate diagnostic sensitivity, ranging from 37% to 76%.
≻ Varying sensitivities may be related to the different methods of testing that have been used.
≻ In other words, these antibodies are very specific to IBM – if you have them, you probably have IBM but, they are not that sensitive to IBM – only about 50 to 60% of IBM patients will have these antibodies – if you do not have them, you may still have IBM.

⚄  Anti-NT5C1A autoantibodies were detected in 71 (61%) of 117 patients with IBM, 2 (5%) of 42 patients with PM, 2 (5%) of 42 healthy volunteers, 24 (15%) of 159 patients with DM, 10 (23%) of 44 patients with Sjögren's syndrome, and 13 (14%) of 96 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus" (Lloyd et al., 2016).

⚄  Anti-cN-1A autoantibodies are demonstrated in one third of the patients with sIBM and in less than 5% with other IIMs or neuromuscular diseases.
≻ A recent study demonstrated that positive anti-cN-1A sIBM patients are included in a more severe sIBM subtype and represent a homogeneous group as exhibiting higher mortality risk, less proximal upper limb weakness (not typical of sIBMs) and a cytochrome oxidase deficiency in muscular fibers, when compared to negative patients" (Palterer et al., 2018).

⚄  For information on myositis-associated autoantibodies see: https://understandingmyositis.org/myositis-antibody-testing/